Summary of Key Impacts 2021/2022
- Our outcomes have greatly improved in national tests at KS2 and outcomes in Reading are a strength of the school
- Our Key Stage 2 SATs results for 2021/2022 were strong with Reading outcomes well above national (16%+), Writing close to national (LA moderated) and Maths close to national.
- This demonstrates excellent progress made by our pupils through our carefully sequenced curriculum
- Our PPG and non-PPG Gap scaled score measure has also reduced with an average of 0.73 across the school for RWM Combined
- Children with an EHCP made strong progress 22/23 KS2 SATs
+2 VA Reading / +3.2 VA Maths / +3.3 GPS - PPG children achieved a slightly higher scaled score in Reading, Writing and Maths than non-PPG at KS2
- Just as with National outcomes, our outcomes at KS1 were lower than previously validated data in 2019.
- In Reading, national data at the Expected standard dipped by 8%, Writing dipped by 11% and Maths by 8%.
- Outcomes at SVP were stronger in 2 areas – Writing dipped by 7% and Maths matched the 2019 performance despite this Y2 cohort being so negatively affected by the pandemic.
- We know there is still work to do to ensure these pupils’ gaps in learning continue to be swiftly identified and addressed and this remains our focus as they move into Year 3
- Impact on high quality teaching in YR from extremely low Wellcomm starting points is clearly evident of strong impact on children progress in fundamental language and communication.