The Governing Body of Stockbridge Village Primary school has a pivotal role in the life and work of our school. It is represented by the member of the local authority, volunteers from the local and wider community, plus the head teacher and members of staff There are also two parent governors.
The role of the Governing Body is defined in its constitution.
Governors undertake their roles and responsibilities through committees.
They are:
- Full Governing Body
- Finance, Personnel and Premises
- Teaching and Learning
- Pay Committee
In addition, we have ‘lead governors’ who undertake specific monitoring roles in such areas as Safeguarding and Pupil Premium,
The main work of the governing body is outlined below:
- Setting and reviewing the schools aims and policies
- Taking the lead on the Headteacher performance management and monitoring of staff appraisal
- Monitoring the well-being of pupils
- Continuing to improve the standards of teaching and learning
- Setting the school’s budget and monitoring expenditure
- Interview and appointing teachers and support staff
- Acting as a link between the local community and the school
- Dealing with complaints about the school
Committee Overviews
Full Governing Body
- Monitor and agree changes to instrument of government including terms of office
- Appoint, suspend or remove governors in accordance with Regulations*
- Hold at least three governing body meetings a year*;
- Regulate procedures of meetings e.g. code of confidentiality and code of conduct;
- Appoint or remove the Chair and Vice-Chair*;
- Appoint or remove a Clerk to the governing body*;
- Establish the committees of the governing body and their terms of reference*;
- Decide which functions of the governing body will be delegated to committees, groups and individuals and review the delegation arrangements annually*;
- Appoint the Chair of any committee (this is delegated to committee);
- Appoint or remove a Clerk to each committee (this is delegated to the committee;
- Appoint associate members to committees and determine their voting rights;
- Appoint link or designated governors, including performance management governors*;
- Ensure Headteacher provides such reports as requested by the governing body to undertake its role;
- Receive reports from any individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider whether any further action by the governing body is necessary*;
- Ensure requirements within Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education are met;
- Ensure requirements within the duty to promote Community Cohesion are met;
- Approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year and best value statement; (currently delegated to committee)
- Ensure copies of minutes of full meetings are forwarded to the Local Authority;
- Monitor and keep under review School Development Plan;
- Approve Self Evaluation form;
- Approve school prospectus;
- Approve written description of financial systems and procedures in line with LA’s scheme for financing schools;
- Ensure school works within SFVS;
- Publish proposals for alteration, change of category or closure of school*;
- Recruit Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher*;
- Determine arrangements for recruitment of other members of staff;
- Participate in school self-review process including review of Governing Body effectiveness;
- Decide on decision to federate or form joint committees with other school Governing Bodies*;
- Any items which individual governing bodies may wish to include; *these matters cannot be delegated to either a committee or an individual
Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
- In consultation with the Headteacher, draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year and present to the full governing body for approval within required Local Authority timescales;
- Give due consideration for meeting best practice requirements as set out in the Schools Financial Value Standards (SFVS) and ensure compliance;
- Ensure all spending provides value for money in terms of raising standards in education and sign best value statement;
- Benchmark school financial performance against similar schools and report to governing body ;
- Analyse and recommend annual statement of internal control and present to governing body ;
- Establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan;
- Review and monitor the schools financial procedures annually and present draft to governing body for approval (unless approval delegated to committee *see below);
- Receive and review a budget position statement including virement decisions at least termly and to report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the governing body with recommendations for corrective/remedial action;
- Ensure all Pupil Premium receivable are used only as described;
- Ensure committee receives relevant, timely and user friendly reports on the budget with meeting papers;
- Ensure that the school operates within the latest Financial Regulations of the Local Authority;
- Ensure school co-operates with audit team including ensuring post audit action plan is drawn up and actioned as appropriate;
- Review service level agreements and make recommendations to the full governing body;
- Make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees;
- Ensure, as far as is practical, that Health and Safety issues are appropriately prioritised;
- Determine whether sufficient funds are available for pay increments as recommended by the Headteacher/Headteachers Performance Management Panel;
- Undertake an annual review of all expenditure with a view to achieving ‘best value’ in respect of the use of the delegated budget
- In the light of the Headteacher Performance Management reviewers recommendations, to determine whether sufficient funds are available for increments;
- Ensure register of pecuniary interest of governors is maintained and reviewed annually and any updates on declarations and interests in agenda items are correctly recorded;
- Ensure governors and particularly finance committee members have access to adequate training opportunities;
- Monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
- Ensure minutes are taken at each meeting and that budget decisions are clearly minuted at both committee and full governing body levels;
- Determine the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher, in relation to the School Improvement Plan and curriculum requirements and, in the light of resources available. Present to governing body for approval;
- Monitor and evaluate the staff development programme in relation to curriculum and professional development needs as identified through performance management procedures and within the context of the School Improvement Plan;
- Oversee the appointment procedure for all staff, having regard to the requirements within Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education;
- Keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence;
- Make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Finance Committee;
- Monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
- Agree and monitor training strategy for teachers, support staff and governors;
- Consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the governing body.
- Ensure annual pay review is completed.
- Provide guidance and assistance to the Headteacher and Governing Body in all matters relating to premises and physical resources;
- Ensure inspection of the premises and grounds, and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development, taking account of the Local Authority
- Building Condition Survey report;
- Approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs, fittings and furniture, and redecoration within the budget allocation and to oversee the preparation and implementation of building contracts;
- Establish and keep under review a Building Development Plan;
- Monitor the school’s compliance with Health and Safety regulations;
- Receive and consider audits of the buildings and fabric and recommend remedial action if required;
- Monitor and review services from external providers and, where necessary, make recommendations;
- Undertake an annual review of all sources of income received by school to ensure fees and charges remain appropriate;
- Make recommendations to the Finance Committee on premises-related expenditure;
- Establish and keep under review an Accessibility plan;
- Monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
- Ensure extended services provided at the school are appropriate to the community are managed effectively;
- Report to the governing body on the effectiveness of the extended services and recommend changes as appropriate;
- Act in accordance with statutory requirements;
- Consult with staff, parents, pupils, Local Authority, Diocesan Authorities, relevant organisations/agencies as appropriate;
- Keep under review service level agreements and service specifications;
- Monitor impact of service level agreements and recommend any changes to the governing body/planning group as appropriate;
- Consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the governing body* see below.
Pay Review Sub Committee
- Undertake decisions on recommended annual salary reviews for all staff (including Headteacher);
- Advise governing body of decisions taken within the powers delegated by providing a statement of decisions taken – having regard to confidentiality;
- Assist in monitoring and keeping under review pay policy and make recommendations to full governing body;
- Assist in the determination of availability of funds for pay increments.
Teaching and Learning Sub Committee
- Consider and advise the governing body on standards and school performance and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements;
- Ensure national curriculum is in place;
- Approve/recommend to governing body monitor and review, within agreed policy review process the following policies:
- the school’s Curriculum (on an annual basis);
- Pupil health, safety and welfare (including safeguarding and child protection);
- Behaviour and discipline;
- Collective worship;
- Provision for equal opportunities, Racial Equality, disability equality and gender equality
- Identification, assessment and provision for pupils with special educational needs
- Child protection in accordance with statutory requirements and DCSF and Local
- Authority advice and to ensure the policy is communicated to staff and parents;
- Home/school agreements
- Exclusions;
- Complaints procedure;
- Prospectus;
- Target Setting
- Monitor implementation and evaluation of policies relevant to the Terms of Reference of this Committee (there is no requirement for policies for individual subjects to be approved by the governing body however, the governing body should ensure through the Headteacher, that policies are drawn up and put into practice in line with the aims, values, ethos and school development plan agreed by the governing body and in accordance with statutory requirements);
- Approval all school trips involving an overnight stay away from home
- Monitor pupil achievement against published/National targets;
- Ensure that the school designates members of staff to be responsible for co-ordinating child protection and Looked After Children within the school and for liaising with outside agencies and to receive appropriate training.
- Consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the governing body;
- Make arrangements for the governing body to be represented at School Improvement discussions with the Local Authority and for reports to be received by the governing body;
- Oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy, and Numeracy. To ensure regular reports are received and reported to the governing body;
- Through the Headteacher, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning in delivery of the curriculum;
- Through the Headteacher, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning in delivery of the curriculum
- Consider school performance data and agree school targets for pupil attainment.
- Keep under review the Healthy Schools initiative and ensure Government stardards for food in schools are met.
- Monitor and review pupil attendance and absences and use of exclusion;
- Keep under review the School Sports Premium initiative and ensure Government standards for Sport in schools are met;
- Ensure there are rewards systems in place which impact positively on achievement and behaviour;
- Monitor pupil attendance and absence rates against agreed targets, pupil exclusion rates and to consider strategies to improve them,;
- Review annually in conjunction with the Headteacher the effectiveness of the
school’s policies in relation to personal development and well-being and to report the results of the review to the governing body, including any recommendations for policy changes and priorities for the next School Development Plan; - Be responsible for addressing issues of relationships with the community and issues of promoting the school;
- Actively seek the views of learners and parents/carers and of the school’s stakeholders and partners in order to inform the governing body andHeadteacher in their decision making about the way the school is conducted;
- Have oversight of the development of and to monitor extended school provision and to report to the governing body with recommendations (including impact against pupil achievement;
- Be responsible for primary/secondary liaison (as appropriate) and (if appropriate) further education liaison and for education/industry links;
- Review annually in conjunction with the Headteacher the effectiveness of the
school’s policies in relation to the views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders and partners and to report the results of the review to the governing body, including any recommendations for policy changes and priorities for the next School Development Plan; - Monitor and keep under review specific areas of School Development Plan for which the committee has responsibility;
- Consider and report back upon matters as may be delegated or devolved to the committee by the Governing Body.
Headteacher’s Performance Management Review Group
- Arrange to meet with the School Improvement Partner (SIP) to discuss the Headteacher’s performance management and review in accordance with current regulations;
- To decide, with the support of the SIP, whether targets have been met and set new targets annually;
- Monitor throughout the year the performance of the Headteacher against the targets;
- Make recommendations to the pay review committee (or pay review sub-committee, whichever system is adopted) in respect of pay progression for the successful meeting of targets set.