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Welcome to Reception (Class Name: Carly Hart)

Reception – Mr Fraser, Miss Bow and Miss Rix

Mr Fraser
Miss Bow
Miss Rix

EYFS Curriculum and Vision

Our curriculum offers a balanced blend of adult-led and child-initiated learning experiences, fostering interest and curiosity across all seven areas of learning. It is highly responsive to the needs of every child. By combining teacher input with continuous provision opportunities, our curriculum encourages children to develop their learning independently through exploration and challenge. It is designed to be progressive, ensuring that children’s knowledge and skills in all areas of learning are continuously built upon throughout the EYFS, effectively preparing them for Year 1.

The Characteristics of Effective Learning are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which focuses on how children learn rather than what they learn. These characteristics help educators understand and support children’s learning processes. There are three main characteristics:

  1. Playing and Exploring (Engagement)
    • Finding out and exploring: Children use their senses to explore the world around them, showing curiosity and interest.
    • Playing with what they know: Children engage in activities and play based on their own experiences, using objects and ideas they are familiar with.
    • Being willing to ‘have a go’: Children show a willingness to take risks and try new things, even if they are unsure or might make mistakes.
  1. Active Learning (Motivation)
    • Being involved and concentrating: Children focus on activities for extended periods, showing persistence even when they encounter difficulties.
    • Keeping on trying: Children demonstrate resilience and determination, continuing to pursue their goals despite challenges.
    • Enjoying achieving what they set out to do: Children gain satisfaction from meeting their goals and show pride in their accomplishments.
  1. Creating and Thinking Critically (Thinking)
    • Having their own ideas: Children think of original ways to approach tasks and solve problems.
    • Making links: Children connect ideas and experiences to form new concepts and understanding.
    • Choosing ways to do things: Children plan, make decisions, and evaluate their actions and outcomes, adjusting their strategies as needed.


We follow the EY2P reading scheme, here is our overview for the year.

Here are some recommended reads for Reception aged children.


Phonics is a method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with symbols in an alphabetic writing system.

We use the accredited scheme Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.

Teaching of phonics is broken down into phases. We will begin with phase 2 teaching the most common sounds which we will then use to blend and segment to read and write words.


We follow a mastery approach to maths and use White Rose Maths to plan and sequence our learning. Here is our overview for the year.

What we do during the school day is posted on See-saw, individual QR codes for this have been sent home, if you are having trouble logging on please ask for help. 

Little Wandle Phonics Resources

Little Wandle Phonics Home Learning

Please find below attachments of the Little Wandle Phonics home learning, which is sent home each corresponding week with your child.

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